We need parity in evidence-based treatment, not just in coverage. 我们需要与所付报酬等价的治疗,这种治疗是建立在医学证据之上而非媒体的报道。
Parity of status, pay, treatment 地位、工资、待遇的平等
Methods: There were 26 cases of ruptured corpus luteum admitted in our hospital from 1.1996 to 12.2000.The age, parity, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment were analyzed. 方法:对26例卵巢黄体破裂患者的年龄、婚育史、临床症状、诊断及治疗方式进行分析。
Thirty parity 2-4 Holstein cows with similar milk production and partum time were selected and allocated to 3 treatments, 10 cows for each treatment. 选用30头经产2~4胎,产期相近,产奶量相似的中国黑白花奶牛,随机分成3组,每组各10头。